vNotifyE-Mail & SMS Notifications
Do you want to know immediately when an order is received or a payment was made? Or if a new account has been created? That also by SMS? With vNotify You can send such notifications to up to three additional email addresses and up to three mobile phone numbers as SMS. So you can, for example, simply forwarding orders to external service providers like fulfillment partners.
“Stay informed - by SMS & email”
How does it work?
The installation is quite simple. After installing the app, you get to the vNotify configuration. There you enter the e-mail addresses and mobile phone numbers and select your notification functions. It can be set individually for each event.
General advantages and functions
- Up to three additional e-mail recipients
- Up to three SMS mobile phone numbers
- Multilingual
- Configurable notifications on:
- New order
- New payment
- New customer registration
- Premium SMS service - worldwide
- 5 SMS per month for testing included for free
- Additional SMS packages available
- Overview of the SMS messages sent
- Email Notifications
- Extended details on orders and customer registrations
- optimized for mobile devices (responsive)
- Direct links to your Lightspeed BackOffice
- Expandable (call us!)
- 14 days free trial
SMS Notifications
You can also send notifications via SMS. Worldwide to any mobile number. Thus you will also get notifications when you can just received emails - eg on vacation or on mobile phones without Internet or mail function. There are 5 SMS per month for testing included for free.
If you want to use this feature, you can book a charge appropriate SMS-month packages. We will gladly make you an offer for it. If the SMS package was used up in a month, until the end of the month no more SMS are sent. Unused SMS expire at month-end.
Note: For test installations in DEMO stores the SMS function is deactivated.